Cohort three student profiles

The students from Egerton University

Evans Omondi

Evans Omondi is a student at Egerton University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics. He is 22 years of age and comes from Koredo a small village along the shores of L. Victoria, in Homabay County, Kenya. He comes from a family of six that mainly depends on farming as their source of livelihood. Thus, he has encountered financial challenges in his academic journey. He is so grateful to RUFORUM through the TAGDev program at Egerton for supporting him in tuition fee. He has a great passion in education and has always excelled in the different levels from primary, secondary until now in his final year at the university.

Evance Ochola

Evance Ochola was born on the 18th April, 1998 in a small village called Wasaki, Ndhiwa Sub County in Homa Bay County. He is a third year student pursuing Bachelor of Agribusiness Management at Egerton University. He benefitted from tuition fee support accorded by RUFORUM through the TAGDev program at Egerton University.

Esther Sagana

Esther Sagana is a student taking Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension in the department of Applied Community Development Studies, Faculty of Education and Community Studies Egerton University. She is in her third year of study and a beneficially of tuition fee support from RUFORUM through the TAGDev program at Egerton University. She hails from Gesusu ward, Kisii County Kenya. She has six siblings all of whom are economically unstable and therefore their hope is based her success after completing her studies. Many thanks to TAGDev and all the well-wishers for supporting her studies.  She is a disciplined, hard-working and dedicated student.

Elias Odhiambo Opot

Elias Odhiambo Opot is a student at Egerton University pursuing Bachelor of Science in Dairy Technology and Management. He benefitted from TAGDev Program at Egerton extended tuition support for needy students in the university. He  has interest in agriculture and as a result his interest is to come up with ideas on how to improve the livelihood of farming community  as well enhance food security and community nutrition. Currently, he is working on a project that involves improving the nutritional status of yoghurt by adding chia seeds.

Elias Mutoro

Elias Mutoro is a student at Egerton University pursuing Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension. He is one of the beneficiaries of TAGDev program tuition support for needy students in the university. He is a hardworking and ambitious individual with a great passion in scientific and agricultural studies. His dream is to become a Professor. He has excellent communication skills, enabling him to effectively communicate with a wide range of people and with a greater ability to encourage and inspire other people.


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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

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P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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