Postgraduate students

Leila Akinyi Ndalilo

Leila Akinyi Ndalilo holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Environmental Studies (Community Development) from Kenyatta University. She is currently pursuing PhD studies in Natural Resource Management at Egerton University. She is a Research Scientist at Kenya Forestry Research Institute. Her research focus is integration of community perspectives into forestry research.

Her PhD research project is assessing the effects of land use and land cover change on forest structure, tree species diversity and household livelihoods in River Lumi riparian ecosystem, Taita Taveta County, Kenya. This has been possible through support given by the RUFORUM through TAGDev program at Egerton University. Her passion in environmental conservation keeps her motivated to seek for more knowledge and skills for community transformation

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The launch of TAGDev Project

CARP+ and RECAP Gallery

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Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

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P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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