CARP+ Ongoing Projects

Use of tied contour rain water harvesting (TC-RWH) system in small grain and legume production for improved household food security, nutrition and income in semi-arid smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe

PrincipaI Investigator : Prof. George Nyamadzawo
Project Summary
Many smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are located in semi-arid areas where rainfall is low, erratic, and unreliable, it is imperative to investigate the options to increase water harvesting and water use efficiency to increase crop productivity. This project promotes the use of the Tied Contour Water Rain Harvesting (TC-RWH) system to improve crop production and increase crop yields in semi-arid regions of Buhera and Mwenezi, Zimbabwe. This action augments the many efforts that are on-going in Africa to enhance agricultural research and to improve the capacity of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change . Read More | Visit our   website |  Facebook  |  Twitter   | Youtube Channel 

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