Cohort two

Joseph Aluong Kut

Joseph Aluong Kut is South Sudanese born on 13rd of June 1985 with his twin brother in a village called Mareng in upper Nile region Jonglei State-Bor. With determination and passion for education he emerged in a lot of difficulties and obstacles, being in the refugee camp for some years. Joseph Aluong is a beneficiary of scholarship of MASTERCARD FOUNDATION @ RUFORUM, pursuing MSc. In Agri-enterprises development Gulu university (Uganda). Joseph has great passion in Agriculture and is planning to employ and train youth on how to become Agripreneurs. He believes in rural transformation of disadvantage rural villages through agriculture especially in his native country South Sudan


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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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