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Dr. Gabriel Karubanga a post-Doctoral Fellow shares his engagement at Makerere University

Wed, 26/02/2020 - 11:12
In this storyline, I am glad to share with you my experience and lessons learnt during the post-doctoral fellowship that started since 2018. The two-years journey has been an interesting one for me as the upcoming young scholar in Sub-Saharan region. Before I tell you a full story about the post-doc fellowship, let me first tell you about myself in details such that you … Read More Dr. Gabriel Karubanga a post-Doctoral Fellow shares his engagement at Makerere University

Former RUFORUM mastercard foundation scholar at Gulu University enhances community knowledge and uptake of Indigenous Micro-organisms (IMO) technology in Kitgum district, northern Uganda.

Wed, 19/02/2020 - 16:20
Kidega Kenneth was one of the 1,513 students who graduated at Gulu University on 11th January 2020. He satisfied the requirement for the award of the degree of Masters of Science of Food Security and Community nutrition of Gulu University. As part of the support to the Mastercard Scholars at Masters level, RUFORUM gives a four months Field Attachment Programme Award (FAPA) to selected … Read More Former RUFORUM mastercard foundation scholar at Gulu University enhances community knowledge and uptake of Indigenous Micro-organisms (IMO) technology in Kitgum district, northern Uganda.

Internship Training at Refugee Settlements opened doors for my professional development with the African Union

Wed, 19/02/2020 - 11:28
Robine Okello is a recent graduated with a Masters Degree in Agri-Enterprises Development at the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Gulu University, Uganda. whose study was fully sponsored by the RUFORUM under the Nurturing Grant Project (NGP) with support from the Mastercard Foundation.  He is a Ugandan and shares his Journey through the program.   At the end of my second year, I applied … Read More Internship Training at Refugee Settlements opened doors for my professional development with the African Union

Gulu University program curriculum is not merely academic but for community transformation

Wed, 19/02/2020 - 10:28
Jean Damascene Tuyizere from Rwandan  a recent Gulu University graduate (2020) with a Master of Science in Food Security and Community Nutrition and one of the MasterCard foundation Scholarship recipient through RUFORUM. Jean Shares his journey as a student at Gulu University and gives recommendations for improvement. My stay at Gulu University has been a transformative phase of my life. In fact an unusual … Read More Gulu University program curriculum is not merely academic but for community transformation

Lessons and innovations shared by RUFORUM Principal Investigators during the 15th Annual General Meeting in Cape Coast-Ghana

Wed, 19/02/2020 - 09:24
The 12th RUFORUM Principal Investigators monitoring and learning session organized as a side event at the 15th RUFORUM Annual General meeting on 2nd-3rd December, 2019 converged all research teams of projects granted under the Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev project). This was also the first time the Mastercard Foundation met all the project implementers to receive … Read More Lessons and innovations shared by RUFORUM Principal Investigators during the 15th Annual General Meeting in Cape Coast-Ghana

How the University of Cape Coast and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture wrap up the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting

Tue, 18/02/2020 - 09:33
From 29th November to 6th December, 2019 the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture and five Ghanaian RUFORUM Member universities (University of Cape Coast, University of Ghana-Legon, University of Development Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and University of Education-Winneba organized the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting. The meeting that attracted 1003 participants in 35 side events deliberated on the … Read More How the University of Cape Coast and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture wrap up the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting

15th RUFORUM Business Meeting at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana

Tue, 18/02/2020 - 09:27
RUFORUM held its Business Meeting as one-day event at the sidelines of the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting. The Business Meeting was held Friday, 6th December, 2019 at New Examinations Center, University of Cape Coast, Ghana under the Chairmanship of the Board Chair, Prof. George Kanyama-Phiri, the Vice Chancellor of Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In his remarks, He informed members that … Read More 15th RUFORUM Business Meeting at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana

Stakeholders in Agriculture, Education, Science, Technology and Innovation discuss Universities’ Contribution to Continental Agenda 2063

Tue, 18/02/2020 - 08:44
The meeting dubbed the Vice Chancellors forum was part of the side events at the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting, 2-6 December 2019 hosted by the University of Cape Coast – Ghana. The meeting that attracted 155 participants met at the School of Medical Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Ghana and discussed avenues for “enhancing delivery of Africa’s Universities’ Agenda for Higher Education, Science, … Read More Stakeholders in Agriculture, Education, Science, Technology and Innovation discuss Universities’ Contribution to Continental Agenda 2063

Country Statements and Ministerial Communique from the Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table held during the 19th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting in Ghana

Mon, 27/01/2020 - 07:43
Kampala 21, January 2020 As part of the 15th Annual General Meeting activities held in December 2019 at the University of Cape Coast Ghana, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) organised a Joint Meeting of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Education & Training, Science, Technology and Innovation on 5th December 2019 and Development Partners. This Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table focused … Read More Country Statements and Ministerial Communique from the Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table held during the 19th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting in Ghana

Kerio Valley: A beautiful land with an amazing culture

Thu, 23/01/2020 - 10:16
By mugonya John  In September this year, I received communication from the International Crop Research Institute for Semi_Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) that my application for an internship placement had been successful. Getting an internship opportunity soon after defending my Master’s thesis at Gulu University, was exciting and double blessing. I looked forward to working with a multi-disciplinary team from various countries. I was selected to … Read More Kerio Valley: A beautiful land with an amazing culture

Call for Application for Master of Science in One Health Molecular Biology

Tue, 30/07/2019 - 11:29
The SACIDS-ACE is a ONE HEALTH Virtual Centre, whose Mission is to harness innovation in science and technology in order to improve Africa’s capacity to detect, identify and monitor infectious diseases of humans , animals, ecosystems and their interactions in order to better manage the risk posed by them. The SACIDS-ACE stems from the concern for a high burden of infectious diseases in Africa and yet limited capacity for its risk management.... Read More 0

CDT-Africa PhD fellowship for African Women

Tue, 30/07/2019 - 11:19
Background The Centre for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa) is a World Bank supported centre of excellence for education and research at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The main aim of CDT-Africa is to serve as a platform for equitable access to interventions (drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and complex interventions) and bring about sustainable development in Africa through high-quality capacity development for innovative medical discovery and development. CDT-Africa... Read More 0

[Issue 51] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa

Tue, 30/07/2019 - 10:43
University World News College to university – Evolution shows national ambitions (Botswana) As government authorities in Botswana envisage seeing their country becoming an education hub for Southern Africa, both private and public colleges within the country are slowly but steadily transforming themselves into universities, with four colleges evolving into fully-fledged universities over the last 19 years. The new universities include BA ISAGO University, now based in the capital Gaborone, a private university... Read More 0

[Issue 50] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa

Tue, 30/07/2019 - 10:40
Daily Monitor Why academic mobility within Africa is vital (Uganda) The African Union Agenda 2063 aspires for Africa to become a major knowledge and innovation force in the global economy. The Agenda’s action plan provides a more integrated and inclusive Africa that uses its natural resources, human capital and institutions to drive technological, social and business innovation for development. It proposes to leapfrog the conventional approaches in ways that ensure rapid, sustainable... Read More 0

Re-advertised: Appointments at RUFORUM Secretariat

Thu, 25/07/2019 - 17:19
About RUFORUM: The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), established in 2004, is a consortium of 114 universities in 38 countries in Africa. The organisation evolved from the Forum on Agricultural Resource Husbandry (FORUM) programme of the Rockefeller Foundation. RUFORUM is registered as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and undertakes activities to strengthen Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation development in Africa in line with its Vision 2030 Strategy.... Read More 0

[Issue 49] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa

Thu, 18/07/2019 - 13:14
University World News Region is not reaping rewards of Higher Education investment – Study (Africa) Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa have failed to equip the region’s fast-growing youth population with market-driven skills needed for prosperous and equitable societies, and the region’s countries are not reaping the rewards of their investment in tertiary education, according to a new study by the World Bank. The report, The Skills Balancing Act in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investing in... Read More 0

[Issue 48] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa

Thu, 18/07/2019 - 13:07
Standard Digital University of Nairobi to scrap 40 courses (Kenya) The University of Nairobi is scrapping more than 40 courses as the Ministry of Education reforms plan starts to bite. A confidential document seen by the Sunday Standard reveals that some of the courses at the university had not attracted any students for the last five years. The document – rationalisation of academic programmes – tabled in the University Senate further says... Read More 0

Job Opportunity: Technical Specialist, Knowledge Management at RUFORUM Secretariat

Tue, 16/07/2019 - 19:29
About RUFORUM: The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), established in 2004, is a consortium of 114 universities in 38 countries in Africa. The organisation evolved from the Forum on Agricultural Resource Husbandry (FORUM) programme of the Rockefeller Foundation. RUFORUM is registered as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and undertakes activities to strengthen Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation development in Africa in line with its Vision 2030 Strategy.... Read More 0


Fri, 12/07/2019 - 16:37
Background The Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences (ZEFs), College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University is partnering with the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) of the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), McGill University, Canada and NUTREAL Limited to implement a 3-year multidisciplinary project focusing on “Harnessing dietary nutrients of under-utilised fish and fish processing by-products to reducing micronutrient deficiencies among vulnerable groups in Uganda” – NutriFish.  The overall aim... Read More 0

Gulu University hosts over 600 at the First National Agrienterprenurship Symposium

Wed, 10/07/2019 - 12:33
Prof. Ongeng the Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environment at Gulu University said that Universities can no longer work in isolation, there is a critical need to build more synergies with other players such as TVETs, and private sector so as to enhance actual contribution of Universities to community transformation.  This was part of the wider call to action during the first Agrienterprenurship symposium which took place from 25th to 26th May... Read More 0
