

As a network, RUFORUM mobilises its members to develop projects and programmes that operationalise its strategic objectives. Depending on the strategic fit of the programme/project and the requirements of the funder, the projects are led by the RUFORUM Secretariat, by its member universities or by its non university research, private sector or government agencies within Africa. Some projects or programmes are led by non-African partners who are either universities, research institutions or private companies

The Key Partners
Number The_RUFORUM_Project_Titles The_Project_Leading_Institution Project_Status The_Projects_Funders Start Date End_Date
50 OER Database Short Courses Grant South African Institute for Distance Education ("SAIDE") Completed United States Agency for International Development -USAID Lundi, October 15, 2012 Jeudi, February 28, 2013
51 Strenghthening Regional Doctoral Programmes in Africa RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Carnegie Corporation of New York Lundi, October 1, 2012 Mercredi, September 30, 2015
52 Mainstreaming tertiary agricultural education institutes in the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP): Support for four African universities RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation Dimanche, September 23, 2012 Jeudi, September 24, 2015
53 Sharing Capacity to build Capacity for Quality Graduate Training in Agriculture in African Universities Makerere University Completed European Commission - Intra Africa Mobility Mercredi, August 1, 2012 Lundi, July 31, 2017
54 Transforming Universities to Stimulate Pro-Poor Agri-Enterprise Development in East Africa Using a Round Table Approach to Post graduate Training RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Ford Foundation Dimanche, July 1, 2012 Dimanche, June 30, 2013
55 Collaborative capacty building of Sokoine University of Agriculture and National Agricultural Research System Ohio State University Completed United States Agency for International Development -USAID Dimanche, April 1, 2012 Dimanche, February 28, 2016
56 Strengthening Capacity of Eastern African Institutions in Climate Change studies and networking RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Rockefeller Foundation Lundi, August 1, 2011 Jeudi, July 31, 2014
57 Strengthening Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Training and Research in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. RUFORUM Secretariat Completed International Development Research Centre Mercredi, June 1, 2011 Samedi, March 10, 2012
58 Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research for Development in Africa NRI Completed United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) Mercredi, May 11, 2011 Jeudi, December 1, 2011
59 Strengthening Universities Capacities for Mitigating Climate Change Induced Water Vulnerabilities in East Africa RUFORUM Secretariat Completed Austrian Development Cooperation - Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development Vendredi, April 1, 2011 Lundi, March 31, 2014
