Sustainable Development

Tomato Curly Stunt Virus in Mozambique

Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique

The importance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) as source of food and income generation in Mozambique is threatened by proliferation of a viral disease called Tomato Curly Stunt virus (ToCSV) which causes yield losses of up to 100 % negatively impacting on crop productivity and the communities’ livelihood.

RUFORUM Regional Programmes: Research Methods

The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Zimbabwe

Alma Muropa, an M.Sc grantee studying in Kenya, demonstrates the impact of RUFORUM regional programmes with her research exploring options to assess the uptake of Conservation Agriculture in Domboshawa Zimbabwe.

Reviving an industry: Universities take on challenges

Moi University, Kenya

In Kenya, an innovating Vice-Chancellor revives the local cotton industry, supports innovative natural dye and design and leads his university towards sustainability.

Mitigating Climate Change: Global solutions from Namibia

University of Namibia, Namibia

The study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of five indigenous legumes compared against Lucerne as potential livestock fodder.

Lucy Aciro-MasterCard@RUFORUM scholar

Gulu University, Uganda

Lucy has had to over come many difficulties, from having to hide from the LRA as a child to not having the fees to finish her studies.

With courage and a strong determination Lucy has managed to over come these adversities to find herself part of the TAGDEV programme with the 30 selected MasterCard@RUFORUM scholars from 9 African countries.

Kenneth Kidega-MasterCard@RUFORUM scholar

Gulu University, Uganda

Along with 30 extraordinary others from all over Africa, Kenneth received the Mastercard@RUFORUM scholarship and reported to Egerton University in Kenya to begin a truly trans-formative journey.

Kenneth will study a Master of Science in Food Security and Community Nutrition at Gulu University in Uganda.

Gabriel Mahindu-MasterCard@RUFORUM scholar

Egerton University, Kenya

Gabriel Mahindu is one 30 extraordinary young MasterCard@RUFORUM scholars chosen by RUFORUM, a network of over 60 universities across Africa with the support of the MasterCard Foundation.

It was early experiences with hunger and poverty that catalysed Gabriel’s ability to innovate improved farming techniques in his village. He fought his way through his schooling and applied for the RUFORUM MasterCard Foundation scholarship in the hopes of pursuing his love for science and agriculture.


Climate Change Challenges Researchers – Building Resilience and Mitigation strategies

Haramaya University, Ethiopia

The devastating effects of climate change provide university researchers with challenges as the drought leaves farmers with no groundnuts to harvest and no income. The project deadlines and student graduation are delayed as the proposed research must be adapted and focus on resilience to climate change and mitigation strategies.

Bringing together the best: cross-bred goats and dedicated researchers

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Botswana

Cross-bred goats show their potential to contribute to milk supplies in Botswana and to utilise the natural bushveld pastures.