RUFORUM Technical Committee
Sokona Dagnoko is a National from Mali, West Africa. She holds a Master of Science in Animal Science with major in Nutrition from Laval University, Quebec (Canada). Dr Dagnoko also holds a PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics with minor in International Agriculture from Cornell University, Ithaca (New York).
Her areas of expertise include among others, Biometry, experimental design and statistical analysis of complex data sets, Plant breeding and seed systems of staple crops and vegetables, conventional and molecular breeding; biotechnology; Agricultural extension and advisory services, Monitoring & Evaluation of value-chain projects, , Gender and participatory approaches.
Dr Dagnoko’s working experience include teaching Animal Nutrition at the university in Mali; the coordination of the CORAF/WECARD’s projects of “West Africa Seed Program” in Mali; the “Rice Seed Scaling Up project” across four countries; International Research Scientist at The World Vegetable Center; Scientific Officer at the Sorghum Breeding Program of ICRISAT/Mali; Senior Evaluation Specialist of the “Integrated Initiative for Economic Growth” Project of USAID/Mali; and Lead Consultant for many other projects and programs of various international organizations including the International Relief and Development (IRD), CTA, RUFORUM, ISSD/Africa, World Bank Group, etc.
She currently serves RUFORUM as a member of its Technical Committee. Dr Dagnoko is also the Country Director of the Sasakawa Africa Association office in Mali.