Organizations Relevant to African Agriculture

This directory of Organizations Relevant to African Agriculture was created to provide you with information on institutions engaged in work pertinent to agricultural research and postgraduate training in Africa.  You can browse by the types of organization listed in the right-hand column; carry out a search by organizational name, acronym, country, or region.  Please bear in mind that many of the organizations listed in this directory fall within the category of “Africa wide;” specific countries are not listed.  You can also browse by the alphabetical list of organizations below.  Please email RUFORUM if you have any suggestions of organizations to add within these categories and the RUFORUM Network countries.  Comments are also always very much appreciated.

Country of Coverage: Nigeria
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Senegal
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Ivory Coast
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Ivory Coast
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Sierra Leone
Region of Coverage: West Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage:
Region of Coverage: North Africa
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Country of Coverage: Zimbabwe
Region of Coverage: Southern Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Angola
Region of Coverage: Southern Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Chad
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Website Address:
Country of Coverage: Gabon
Region of Coverage: Central Africa
Website Address:
