Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: How can Universities in Africa better engage to Nurture and Sustain partnerships? Author/Editor(s): Kapiriri, Monica NamumbyaMugabe, J.M.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: How can Universities in Africa better engage to Nurture and Sustain partnerships?
The Impact of Overvalued Exchange Rate Policy on Agricultural Trade in Sudan Author/Editor(s): Elgali, B.M.Mustafa, R.H.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The Impact of Overvalued Exchange Rate Policy on Agricultural Trade in Sudan
Information and Communication Technologies and Agricultural Knowledge Management: Comparative Assessment of Peri-urban and Rural Settings in Kenya Author/Editor(s): Odongo, D.A.Mugivane, F.Olubayo, F.Date of publication: 2012RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Information and Communication Technologies and Agricultural Knowledge Management: Comparative Assessment of Peri-urban and Rural Settings in Kenya