Deputy Executive Secretary - RUFORUM

Florence Mayega Nakayiwa is the Deputy Executive Secretary: Planning, Resource Mobilisation and Management, at the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM). Before joining RUFORUM Florence was the Director of the Planning and Development Department at Makerere University. She has been in the institutional development field as Programme Coordinator of Several Development Partner Programmes at Makerere University. These among others include the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Programme at Makerere University and the African Development Bank- Higher Education Science and Technology Programme. She was a Board member of the African Higher Education Advancement – AHEAD Initiative; A board Member to the Youth After School Initiative and A Board Member of the Makerere University Walter Reed Programme- the Uganda- USA, HIV vaccine development and building of vaccine testing capability in Uganda and the development of Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System.
She is an associate Fellow of the Centre for Higher Education Trust based in South Africa which championed the Higher Education Research and Advocacy Network