CARP+ Students Profiles

RUFORUM Community Action Research Programme

RUFORUM in partnership with mastercard foundation is implementing a programme known as “Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev)”. The TAGDev Programme seeks to transform African agricultural universities and their graduates to better respond to developmental challenges through enhanced application of science, technology, business and innovation for rural agricultural transformation. Under TAGDev, there is a specific focus on community action research designed to allow African universities develop and capitalise more comprehensive and sustainable participatory action research and establish platforms for engagement with all the stakeholders including the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions.  The Programme is known as the Community Action Research Programme PLUS (CARP+). Each community action research project involve training graduates (PhD. and MSc.) and undergraduates in particular countries or geographic areas,  a selected commodities, and nest its research along the full commodity value chain. Read more about our graduate students and what they are studying.

CARP+ Students Profiles

Francis Padi Lamptey (Ghanaian) was born in Ghana and grew up in the Eastern Region of Ghana, a region where plantation and vegetable crop production on large scale are the main occupations and sources of income of the region. Francis was enrolled in Bachelor of Science degree program in Agriculture at University of Cape Coast and graduated with Second Class Honors (Lower Division) with his research work in the Department of Agricultural Engineering. He is currently a RUFORUM-MasterCard Foundation 2018 CARP+ project funding beneficiary, pursuing Master of Philosophy in Post-Harvest Technology at University of Cape Coast (Ghana). Francis has a dream to become a Lecturer and Consultant in Food and Postharvest Technology in Ghana to help reduce postharvest losses, increase shelf life, enhance value addition and also to increase more jobs for youth in his Region

Amma Kissiwaa Amoateng (Ghanaian) was born in Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Even though born in Accra, the capital city of Ghana, I have always been in touch with agriculture through working with smallholder farmers. These encounters is is where my love for Agriculture stems from and I have been studying Agriculture since 2003 when I went to Senior Secondary School. I hold a second class lower division in BSc Agricultural Science from the University of Cape Coast. I am a RUFORUM CARP+ project funding beneficiary pursuing MPhil Crop Science at the University of Cape Coast and specialising in Protection. I am very much interested in pursuing Agriculture on a large scale in future and to also work with smallholder farmers through contract farming and the out-grower systems. Through this I hope to use sustainable Agriculture and protection knowledge to help alleviate poverty in small scale farm households. It’s also my utmost desire to pave way for more females to come into Agriculture and help make agriculture “cool” again for the youth

Boakye Kwaku was born in Ghana and grew up in the Brong Ahafo of Ghana, a region where crop production on small, medium and large scale are the main occupations and sources of income of the community. Kwaku was enrolled in Bachelor of Arts Social Sciences in the University of Cape Coast, and graduated with Second Class Honours Upper Division with specialisation in Economics. Kwaku is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ project funding beneficiary, pursuing Master of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics at University of Cape Coast (Ghana). Kwaku has a dream to become an Agricultural Economist in Ghana to help improve the productivity levels of farm produce to reduce poverty and also to increase more jobs for youth in his community.

AKITE Irine is a female Ugandan who comes from Kole district. She completed her Master of Science in Agri-enterprises development from Gulu University in Uganda 2018 and a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture in 2014. Her graduate research evaluated Gender Participation in the local chicken value chain in Northern Uganda from which, she published an article entitled “Gender dimensions in the Local chicken value chain in Northern Uganda” She has worked for Capable International as a Lead agronomist to provide technical skills to farming communities in Omoro district on the key agronomic practices as well as farming as a business. Additionally she has also facilitated Value chain analysis of various agri-enterprises at Save the Children Uganda that enhanced my research skills and experiences with value chain realities in Acholi sub region. I also worked as an Intern at Virtuous Springs Limited, being part of the team responsible for facilitating multi-stakeholder platform business meetings, brokering business-to-business and finance-to-business linkages, under a project “Facilitating Multi-stakeholder commitment in oilseeds subsector in Acholi Sub-region and Adjumani” She is presently registered for a PhD in Agriculture and Applied Biosciences at the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Gulu University and being sponsored by RUFORUM (Regional Universities Forum). Her tentative PhD thesis is on “Efficiency of rice Marketing arrangements and support systems in Northern Uganda”. This study will provide rice farmers with information regarding the rice market, strategies to increase their competitive advantage along the rice value chain as well as the difference in margins obtained from individual and group sales of rice. She is also a graduate assistant under the faculty of Agriculture and Environment where she teaches the following courses; Extension and Teaching methods, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives, Sociology and Group Dynamics, Agriculture and Rural development among others.

Mariette AGBOHESSOU (Beninese) was born in Benin and grew up in the south of Benin, a region where breeding and vegetable crop production on small scale are the main occupations and sources of income of communities. Mariette studied Agronomy at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of University of Abomey-Calavi where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with specialization in Forestry and Natural Resources’ Management. She is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ project beneficiary, pursuing a Master of Science training in Forest Resources’ Management at the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). Mariette’s dream is to contribute to the development of her country by creating jobs especially for women.

Mechak Ahotondji Gbaguidi (Beninese) was born in Benin and grew up in the commune of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) where he studied. Mechak got a Bachelor degree in Nutrition, Technology and Food Sciences at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi. He obtained a Master of Science degree in food sciences with honors at the School of Nutrition, Technology and Food sciences of the same university. He is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ project beneficiary, pursuing PhD studies in Food Sciences at University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). Mechak processed many fruits in beverages and has a dream to become a leader in Baobab processing sector on local and regional markets, and therefore contribute to poverty alleviation and to jobs creation.

IDOHOU Yêba Omondélé Vanessa (Beninese) was born in Niamey (Niger), and grew up in Benin (Abomey-Calavi). Vanessa was enrolled in Bachelor’degree in Agronomy at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). She graduated with First Class honors with congratulations from the examining Board in Agricultural and Food-processing Industries. She is currently a fellow of RUFORUM CARP+ project, pursuing a Master of Sciences training in Food Sciences and Technology at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). Her dream is to teach food sciences in Benin’s agricultural universities and also to work in humanitarian organization or United Nations Organization to reduce nutritional and food unsafety in Africa, especially in Benin.

Kevin Finagnon Toyi FASSINOU is from Benin. He got his Bachelor of Science in Conservation and Processing of agricultural products in 2014 at Agricultural University of Ketou (Benin). Recently, he attended a training Programme on microbiology and chemical analysis at the Laboratory of Food Sciences (LSA/FSA-UAC). Moreover, he worked as junior research assistant in BARINGA project which aimed at formulating infant foods fortified with moringa leaf powder and baobab fruit pulp in Benin. He is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ Project beneficiary, pursuing a Master of Science training at the Faculty of Agronomic Science (speciality Food Science and Nutrition). Kevin is highly interested by the promotion of local food, and the use of local resources to improve nutritional status of under five years’ children and of women in reproductive age.


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The launch of TAGDev Project

CARP+ and RECAP Gallery

Our Contacts

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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