CARP+ Students Profiles

RUFORUM Community Action Research Programme

RUFORUM in partnership with mastercard foundation is implementing a programme known as “Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev)”. The TAGDev Programme seeks to transform African agricultural universities and their graduates to better respond to developmental challenges through enhanced application of science, technology, business and innovation for rural agricultural transformation. Under TAGDev, there is a specific focus on community action research designed to allow African universities develop and capitalise more comprehensive and sustainable participatory action research and establish platforms for engagement with all the stakeholders including the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions.  The Programme is known as the Community Action Research Programme PLUS (CARP+). Each community action research project involve training graduates (PhD. and MSc.) and undergraduates in particular countries or geographic areas,  a selected commodities, and nest its research along the full commodity value chain. Read more about our graduate students and what they are studying.

CARP+ Students Profiles

Florence Munguti (Kenyan) is currently the Officer-In-Charge of KEPHIS-Plant Quarantine & Bio-security station. She holds a Master of Science degree in Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. She is a beneficiary of BecA-ILRI African Biosciences challenge fund Fellowship program (ABCF) where she carried out her MSc Research on utilization of next generation sequencing in identification of woodiness disease causal viruses in passion fruit. Out of her research work she was able to develop quick diagnostic protocol based on Loop Mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for use in passion fruit nursery certification. The activities she coordinates include plant pest and disease diagnostics, coordination of quarantine imports including participation in Pest Risk Analysis and approval and issuance of plant import permits. She has contributed to the ISO 17025 accreditation of the Plant Quarantine & Biosecurity laboratories at KEPHIS and has as well participated in review of diagnostic protocols at regional Plant Protection Convention. She is a PhD student on the cassava project (RU-2018-CARP+-04), where her research will focus on determining the occurrence and distribution of Cassava Brownstreak Disease (CBSD) in the coastal region of Kenya with a case study of Kilifi and Taita Taveta counties. She will also be focusing on determination of the molecular diversity of the viruses causing Cassava Brown streak Disease as well as its vectors. She will also validate the diagnostic protocols for detection of this disease in support of the cassava seed systems to ensure that farmers get clean planting materials. This will lead to improved cassava productivity and hence contribute to solving food insecurity in the region. She has interests in increased capacity in diagnostics of emerging diseases especially viral diseases, and understanding the role of vectors in the transmission of the diseases to support phytosanitary decision making and seed systems

Adaku John Robert (Ugandan) was born in 1974, and grew up in Serere district, currently resident in Amuria district in the eastern region, these districts are found in the cattle corridor where the major livelihood is small scale livestock production. Robert has a national diploma (second upper)in animal Husbandry from Arapai Agricultural College, Bachelor of Science degree  in Animal Production and management (first class honors) at Busitema University Uganda. He is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ Project beneficiary, pursuing Master of Science in Animal production and Marketing at Gulu University (Uganda). Robert has special interest in livestock improvement through breeding and market access as a strategy to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor peasant livestock keepers.

Mamawi Ambayo Godfrey (Ugandan) was born in 1979, and grew up in the West Nile district of Adjumani, a region where livestock farming on small scale are the main occupations and sources of income of the community. Mamawi was enrolled in Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine program   at Makerere University, and graduated with Honors degree in Veterinary Medicine. He is currently a RUFORUM CARP+ project beneficiary, pursuing Master of Science in Animal Production and Marketing at Gulu University (Uganda). Mamawi has a dream of seeing poor and vulnerable persons uplift their standards of living through modern agriculture technology specifically livestock along the value chains in a profitable manner.


Olet Moses is a Master of Science student in Animal Production and Marketing at Gulu University. He has a partial scholarship from a mastercard foundation funded project coordinated by RUFORUM titled “Local Feed analysis in Pigs in Northern Uganda” (2018 – 2019). The research is trying to use local feeds available to curb the problem of feeding pigs with factory made feeds which is very expensive to farmers. Moses has a Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education from Kyambogo University (2008 – 2011). He is a graduate tutor in the department of Agriculture and a registrar at St. Francis PTC Abonyotingere Lira. He has worked as a secondary school agricultural teacher at Dara Christian High School in Lira (2011-2013), an instructor for Agriculture at Rachele Comprehensive Secondary School handling students, taking certificate in Agriculture. He has also worked as an extension link farmer under Apac District Local Government at Nambyeso Sub County, training farmers on post-harvest handling and animal husbandry (1995 – 1997).

Jackson Kilonzi is a Master’s student taking crop protection (Pathology option) of Egerton University and working specifically on potato late blight. Potato is increasingly becoming important food crop but late blight is the major yield reducer. After several farm visits and field days sponsored by the Seed Potato CARP+, a Jill to work on the disease was developed. Jackson is determined to achieve the best results and his dream is to become a consultant in the field of agronomy and crop protection as well as create job opportunities through tapping of new opportunities to improve the communities’ livelihood.


Emmanuel Hanyabui (Ghanaian) was born in 1992, and grew up in the Western Region of Ghana, a region where agriculture including fishing and animal husbandry on small scale are the main occupations and sources of income of the community. Emmanuel was enrolled in Bachelor of Science degree program in Agriculture at University of Cape Coast, and graduated with Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with specialization in Soil Science. He is currently a RUFORUM MasterCard Foundation 2018 CARP+ Scholarship beneficiary, pursuing Master of Philosophy in Land Use and Environmental Science at University of Cape Coast (Ghana). Emmanuel has a dream to become a Lecturer and promote research in other to know the health status of our soils and how to remediate the soil for better crop production and enhance food security to reduce poverty and also help solve food shortage

John Nganga is a PhD Agronomy Student at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. He is working on Potato Cyst Nematode Management and the mechanisms involved in yield loss under PCN infestation. His interests include modelling pathogen population dynamics and crop physiology responses under biotic and abiotic stresses in relation to climate change. John’s hope is to see Kenya develop smart disease and pest monitoring and forecast system through such models to effectively manage pest related threats to food security. John is focused on becoming a skilled researcher/scientist in Agronomy. His dream is to develop smart agricultural solutions to address the existing challenges in the farming systems of Kenya. John hopes to become the person in-charge of agriculture at the National Level in Kenya someday.

I am a proactive and highly motivated crop scientist, who has recently enrolled in PhD in Crop Science (horticulture stream) in Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. At an early stage of my childhood, I got inspired to pursue my career around farming industry. My parents were farmers and owned a small-scaled milling company. Both my undergraduate and graduate studies were on crop science, instilling a great passion to contribute to the national food security, sustainable agriculture development and achievement of my country’s national sustainable development goals, hence the world at large. Climatic instability and the rapid world population increment have propelled me to desire to become a professional agricultural researcher, who will assist with solutions to alleviate hunger and starvation in my country. Not forgetting the current global problem posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has shown the necessity to locally produce goods as closure of boarders is unpredictable. My research interests are on the development of heat and drought tolerant crops such as Safflower, maximised agricultural production though use of modernised technologies such as controlled growing environments. My current research will aim at determining the effects of temperature and growing stages on growth and development of safflower. This research will inform farmers about the critical temperature which causes chilling injury in safflower and the growth stage which is most hit. Hence farmers will adjust their time of planting to avoid losses associated with chilling injury.

Goal oriented and persistence are key aspects that defines who I am. I also always ensure that I successfully do my duties on the stipulated time frame. Accountability for my research work is also one of my abilities. I always make sure that I am committed to what I do with minimal supervision. Lastly, but not all, I can structure and organise my ideas (writing skills) in a meaningful way. The above gives me the confidence that I will diligently complete my PhD programme


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The launch of TAGDev Project

CARP+ and RECAP Gallery

Our Contacts

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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