CARP+ Ongoing Projects

Cassava Value Chain Upgrading for secure food, nutrition, income and resilience of smallholder farmers in the ASALs of Nakuru County (CVCU)

Principal Investigator : Prof. Richard Mulwa
Project Summary
Cassava is a drought tolerant food security crop in Kenya with an increasing demand. The production of cassava is faced with many challenges, among them is the use of varieties susceptible to Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD), late maturing, low yielding, and less adaptable to the environment by farmers. The general objective of the project is to contribute to improved food, nutrition and income security of small holder farmers through innovations in the cassava value chain. Training will target TVET students, women and youth groups and farmer producer groups in production, processing and marketing of cassava based products, cassava breeding, and food science . Read More

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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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