CARPS student

Eleanor Florence Mutsamba-Magwaza

Eleanor Florence Mutsamba-Magwaza (Zimbabwean) is an agronomist with a passion in conservation agriculture (CA) and climate smart agriculture (CSA). Eleanor was born in Zimbabwe on the 26th of June 1983. She graduated from the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) with a BSc Honors Degree in Agriculture (Soil Science) in 2006. In 2009, she pursed her MPhil in Agriculture until 2012 when she graduated. She has just enrolled for a PhD in Food Security on rainwater harvesting at the Bindura University of Science Education in April 2018. Eleanor worked as a research assistant based at UZ in projects funded by Rockefeller Foundation and CIRAD from 2006-2012. On the first of Dec 2012, Eleanor joined the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) till September 2017 as a research associate-agronomist. Her contribution to these projects led to improved livelihoods in Mozambique and Zimbabwe as farmers practiced CSA through use of drought tolerant varieties, diversifying crops and also pen fattening livestock using home grown fodder crops. From 2010-2017, Eleanor has been involved in several consultancy activities which included development of agricultural manuals, conducting training of trainers and end of project evaluation amongst others. She offered consultancy services to organizations such as CTDO, COMESA, African Conservation Tillage Network, COSV and European Union projects. Eleanor received a 3rd best Oral Presentation Award, during the, ‘RUFORUM Building Capacity for Improved Food and Livelihood Security in Africa conference held in September 2010 in Uganda. She has also published more than 6 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings.

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Our Contacts

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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