CARP+ Ongoing Projects

Enhancing Pig Production and Marketing for Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihood Improvement in Northern Uganda (EPMSNU)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kurobuza Elly Ndyomugyenyi
Project Summary
Pig production is suited to smallholder production pig rearing in comparison to other livestock due to many advantages such as faster growth rates; ability to be kept on a small piece of land; high rate of multiplication, etc. Despite the enormous advantages and opportunities pig rearing can offer to smallholder farmers in Uganda, production and productivity are constrained by unavailability of quality pig feeds; diseases and parasites; poor breeds/genotypes to mention a few. This project aims to address key constraints in pig production and marketing in northern Uganda by promoting sustainable breeding, management and marketing practices. Read More  



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Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

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