CARPS student

Olet Moses

Olet Moses is a Master of Science student in Animal Production and Marketing at Gulu University. He has a partial scholarship from a mastercard foundation funded project coordinated by RUFORUM titled “Local Feed analysis in Pigs in Northern Uganda” (2018 – 2019). The research is trying to use local feeds available to curb the problem of feeding pigs with factory made feeds which is very expensive to farmers. Moses has a Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education from Kyambogo University (2008 – 2011). He is a graduate tutor in the department of Agriculture and a registrar at St. Francis PTC Abonyotingere Lira. He has worked as a secondary school agricultural teacher at Dara Christian High School in Lira (2011-2013), an instructor for Agriculture at Rachele Comprehensive Secondary School handling students, taking certificate in Agriculture. He has also worked as an extension link farmer under Apac District Local Government at Nambyeso Sub County, training farmers on post-harvest handling and animal husbandry (1995 – 1997).

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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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