Cohort Three Students

Patrick Mkholo Mdemba

Patrick Mkholo Mdemba was born in Western Kenya on 7th August 1993. Despite various financial constraints he is able to excel in his academic. In 2010 he sat for final primary examination at Nangili Primary School and passed well. In 2011 to 2014 he attended  Musanda  Secondary school and scored B+  that gave him entry to Egerton University  in 2015 but due to  lack of school fees he deferred his studies   and  resumed  in 2016 .

He is currently a fourth-year student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension and Education (AGED). He holds heartfelt gratitude to RUFORUM through TAGDev program for tuition fee support that gave him hope of completing his undergraduate studies by May 2020. He is among the best performing student in his class with Current cumulative weighted average of 70 .51 points. He is self-motivated in academics and also discipline. He is also aspiring to further his education after graduating with his first degree

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  • Unique Visitors: 85102

The launch of TAGDev Project

CARP+ and RECAP Gallery

Our Contacts

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

Makerere University Main Campus,
P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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