Principal Investigator : Prof. Assogbadjo Achille Ephrem
Project Summary
The African Baobab is a strategic indigenous tree species of sub-Sahara Africa with high nutraceutical pulp and leaves which are used as a food ingredient, and dietary supplement in the world. With the growing local/global market around baobab products it becomes imperative to structure/upgrade its value chain (VC) which is remains disregarded in the national state agenda, despite its potential to generate income. This project aims to develop a sustainable and competitive baobab VC in Benin. The project is built around six work-packages and will facilitate university-TVET (Technical Vocational Education Training) institutions and community linkages to upgrade baobab products VC while contributing to improving farmers’ livelihoods and baobab conservation . Read More
Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
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Makerere University Main Campus,
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