CARPS student

Tafaol Elsadig Ali

Tafaol Elsadig Ali (Sudan), She was born in Gedarif State, (Eastern Sudan), She was graduated with B.Sc. (Second class, Division One) in the Department of Agricultural Economics,
Sudan University of Science and Technology in 2016. She her gratitude project in the (The Role of microfinance in Enhancing Income of Productive Family in Gedaref state). She trained in the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Gedarif State, And trained in the production and fattening of calves in Gedarif State. She worked at the Agricultural Machinery sales Company and worked as a volunteer in the Environmental Organization (Gedaref state). She is currently, pursuing a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics at the University of Gezira (Sudan) under the RUFORUM /2018/CARP+/07A project proposal titled (Empowerment of Women and Youth: Enhancing productivity of Livestock and vegetable Value Chains in rain fed area, Gezira state). Tafaol aspires to be leader in Economic Modeling and Microfinance

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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture(RUFORUM)
Plot 151/155 Garden Hill,

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P.O Box 16811 Wandegeya
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