
E-Learning with FAO elearning Academy

Within the context of the collaboration between RUFORUM and the FAO elearning Academy: elearning.fao.org, over 350 multilingual elearning courses, are offered free of charge, as a global public good. The thematic areas covered are water management, soils restoration, climate smart agriculture, gender empowerment, sustainable food systems, nutrition, food waste and food losses management,  responsible management of natural resources among others.

RUFORUM and FAO elearning Academy can respectively support their promotional activities, for example: 1) a newsletter describing the FAO elearning Academy offerings could be sent out to RUFORUM personnel, constituency and networks of partners 2) announcements of the FAO elearning Academy International Technical Webinars, new elearning courses  and other capacity development activities can be sent out to RUFORUM constituency, in order to allow them to benefit from these free and open learning opportunities 3) the FAO elearning Academy can promote RUFORUM events, webinars and initiatives, through its wide networks of learners and partners institutions.

For more information on elearning visit the website: https://elearning.fao.org/


The Usefulness of AgMOOCs for Capacity Building of Sub-Saharan Africa Agriculture

Virtual Workshop:
13th May 2021
14:00 - 16:30 GMT

RUFORUM in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), is organizing a capacity building virtual workshop on capacity building on Agricultural Massive Open Online Courses (AgMOOCs) for sub-Saharan Africa agriculture. This will be a 2 hour virtual workshop targeting important groups of RUFORUM stakeholders to discuss the development and implementation of AgMOOCs. The output from the workshop is expected to be a report containing a proposal for the process of developing and delivering AgMOOCs in SSA region.

This capacity building workshop is organized by RUFORUM meant to supplement the efforts made by COL, which jointly with its partners, has been implementing the AgMOOCs project since 2015. Significant experiences and lessons have been generated from deployment of ideas and practices. More than thirty (30) AgMOOCs have been offered to 150,000 learners at the level of advanced undergraduate students, incumbent faculty, extension practitioners, and researchers under the umbrella of AgMOOCs. Through its programme of Lifelong Learning for Farmers (L3F) COL used the experiences to keep the doors of learning open during the first phase of the COVID-19 lockdown (April-June, 2020). During that period, COL’s three AgMOOCs attracted nearly 32,000 learners, the majority from poor social and economic backgrounds. An independent evaluation of the AgMOOCs project in 2019 showed that diverse topics can meaningfully be covered offering reasonably good rates of success to learners. COL is partnering with RUFORUM to address the problem

Download Concept Note   ||   Workshop Flyer || Setting scene by Prof. Adipala  || The Report