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I got admitted into the prestigious YALI programme because of my innovative projects

Latest Updates - Mon, 26/04/2021 - 11:15
By Olivier Nihimbazwe During lockdown, I was admitted to the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), as part of the 42nd Cohort for the East Africa Programme. As part of the initiative, I will be taking a four-week training either virtually or physically in (Nairobi) from mid-November to December 2020. YALI is an initiative that was started by former US president Barack Obama, as a … Read More I got admitted into the prestigious YALI programme because of my innovative projects

I opened a shop to sell clothes

Latest Updates - Mon, 26/04/2021 - 10:38
By Rachel Kobusinge Like most students, when schools closed because of COVID-19, I returned home and started engaging in small income generating projects, including running a small vegetable farm and shop. Because I live within a trading centre however, and with limited access to land, it was not possible for me to scale the agricultural project and make it commercially viable. So, I decided … Read More I opened a shop to sell clothes

A scholarship that changed my family’s life

Latest Updates - Mon, 26/04/2021 - 08:53
By Gloria Namuyombya Back in 2017, when I had lost all hope, when it felt like my academic life had come to an end, I got a phone call that changed everything, and made me hopeful of the future. It was at that moment that I believed I still had a chance to make it in life and ever since that eventful day of … Read More A scholarship that changed my family’s life

Returning home armed with skills: Journey for improving potato production in Rwanda

Latest Updates - Tue, 20/04/2021 - 08:31
By Norbert Iraboneye Norbert is Rwandan nationality and was supported by TAGDEV-Egerton program through RUFORUM and MasterCard foundation for his master’s study. He completed Master degree in agronomy program/2020 from Egerton University/Kenya. His agricultural research project was based on the improvement of potato production using none-soil acidifying compound fertilizer and canola green manure for soil fertility and potato bacterial wilt management in Nakuru county/Kenya. … Read More Returning home armed with skills: Journey for improving potato production in Rwanda

RUFORUM POST COVID-19 Strategy: Education, Agriculture Innovation and Livelihoods in times of Crisis

Latest Updates - Mon, 19/04/2021 - 11:24
The global COVID-19 pandemic over the last 17 months has created disruptions in all aspects of life. Education at all levels has equally been affected and this has called for reimagining the manner with which education is delivered and the value of education to society. Higher education institutions have had the opportunity to demonstrate their relevance to society amidst the most challenging time when … Read More RUFORUM POST COVID-19 Strategy: Education, Agriculture Innovation and Livelihoods in times of Crisis

Concours des Jeunes Entrepreneurs Africains de RUFORUM-Edition 2021 [French]

Latest Updates - Thu, 15/04/2021 - 15:33
Le Forum régional des universités pour le renforcement des capacités en agriculture (RUFORUM ; www.ruforum.org), un consortium de 129 Universités de 38 pays africains, a le plaisir de lancer officiellement la quatrième Edition du concours des jeunes entrepreneurs africains de RUFORUM. L’objectif général du concours des jeunes entrepreneurs Africains de RUFORUM est de favoriser la culture de l’esprit d’entrepreneuriat, par la promotion de l’innovation commerciale … Read More Concours des Jeunes Entrepreneurs Africains de RUFORUM-Edition 2021 [French]

2021 RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition [English]

Latest Updates - Thu, 15/04/2021 - 15:28
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a consortium of 129 Universities in 38 African Countries, is pleased to announce the call for 2021 RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition (RUYAEC). The overall purpose of the RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition (RUYAEC) is to catalyse entrepreneurship through promotion of business innovation and provision of seed funding to young entrepreneurs with creative and … Read More 2021 RUFORUM Young African Entrepreneurs Competition [English]


Latest Updates - Mon, 12/04/2021 - 16:30
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Secretariat congratulates the Muslim Community on the forthcoming Holy MONTH of RAMADAN, May ALLAH bless all of us with HIS Mercy, Safety, and Good Health. We pray that ALLAH accepts our fasting and prayers. Blessed RAMADAN

Towards achieving an increased agricultural productivity and farmer income in Malava Sub-County farmers in Kenya

Latest Updates - Mon, 12/04/2021 - 11:07
By Ms. Eileen Inyanji Wanyonyi The agricultural industry in Malava Sub-County faces lots of challenges from various sources. Within the Sub-County is a huge potential for agricultural productivity which has been left untapped by farmers. The area is largely known for production of sugarcane on large acres of land to provide supply for the two sugar factories; West Kenya and Butali sugar factory. Thus, … Read More Towards achieving an increased agricultural productivity and farmer income in Malava Sub-County farmers in Kenya

VEFIRS team seals a partnership with Andre Foods International

Latest Updates - Thu, 01/04/2021 - 15:26
Gulu City, 31st March 2021. A partnership agreement was sealed on 26 March 2021 between the Andre Foods international (AFI) and the team of Vertical Farming in Refugees Setting dubbed “VEFIRS”, a team of five innovators and mission-driven African scholars originating from Liberia, Benin, Namibia, Uganda, and Kenya, respectively who have completed Masters of Science in Food Security and Community Nutrition at Gulu University, … Read More VEFIRS team seals a partnership with Andre Foods International

PBL skills for university academic faculty across Sub-Saharan Africa

Latest Updates - Thu, 25/03/2021 - 11:50
A new generation of skilled and entrepreneurial graduates becomes reality through reforming the curricula from subject-based to competence-based. Two experienced pedagogical trainers from Finland held a virtual PBL training session for bioeconomy university academic faculty from Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. RUFORUM, in partnership with the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), organised a training for African academic faculty, titled Problem Based Learning: Delivering … Read More PBL skills for university academic faculty across Sub-Saharan Africa

Opportunités de Formation de Troisième Cycle dans le cadre du Programme d’Assistanat d’Enseignement Supérieur de RUFORUM (GTA)

Latest Updates - Tue, 23/03/2021 - 16:43
Lors de la réunion annuelle des Vice-Chanceliers / Présidents / Directeurs de Section / Recteurs des Universités Membres de RUFORUM (voir les liens sur le Dépliant de RUFORUM et l’Aperçu de RUFORUM) qui s’est tenue le 11 novembre 2020, les Vice-Chanceliers ont réaffirmé leur engagement envers le Programme d’Assistanat d’Enseignement Supérieur (GTA) qu’ils ont initié en 2014. Les objectifs du GTA sont les suivants: … Read More Opportunités de Formation de Troisième Cycle dans le cadre du Programme d’Assistanat d’Enseignement Supérieur de RUFORUM (GTA)

Postgraduate Training Opportunities under the RUFORUM Graduate Teaching Assistantship Program (GTA)

Latest Updates - Tue, 23/03/2021 - 15:47
During the annual meeting of Vice Chancellors/Presidents/Principals/Rectors of RUFORUM Member Universities (see links about RUFORUM flier and RUFORUM at a Glance) held on 11th November 2020, the Vice Chancellors re-affirmed their commitment to the Graduate Teaching Assistantship Program that they initiated in 2014. The objectives of the GTA are to: i) Improve the quality of higher education and increase the pool of PhD-level trained … Read More Postgraduate Training Opportunities under the RUFORUM Graduate Teaching Assistantship Program (GTA)

Nector Soft Drinks in Northern Uganda

Latest Updates - Mon, 22/03/2021 - 18:18
The soft drinks market in northern Uganda is currently dominated by industrially processed, carbonated drinks. The more health conscious consumers have high demand for freshly processed fruit juice. Realizing this market niche, a group of four students MSc. Agrientreprise development  pursuing from Gulu University took up this business opportunity and start processing fresh natural fruit juices, under the brand name, the nector point. With … Read More Nector Soft Drinks in Northern Uganda

Transforming my community through vegetable farming and sensitisation

Latest Updates - Mon, 22/03/2021 - 13:46
By Stephen Ongaria (BSc. Education Agriculture –Gulu University) My name is Stephen Ongaria, a student at Gulu University, Uganda. When I started my university education, I never expected to be so much inspired to become a change agent within my community. It did not take long for me to understand that vegetable farming has huge potential in terms of income generation. Few months ago, … Read More Transforming my community through vegetable farming and sensitisation

Berakha Vegetable Enterprises (Maku Martin, Alumnus, MSc. Agri-entreprises development, Gulu University)

Latest Updates - Fri, 19/03/2021 - 17:11
I am so grateful to Gulu University Faculty of Agriculture and Environment for the support they have given me through the student enterprise scheme. I received financial support and mentorship from the faculty to implement my business plan on off-season vegetable production. I am involved in the production of tomatoes, cow peas leaves (boo) and cabbages. Upon receiving the  funding in November 2019, I … Read More Berakha Vegetable Enterprises (Maku Martin, Alumnus, MSc. Agri-entreprises development, Gulu University)

Convergence of the Action Research Program and producer groups’ business models: the case of two rice producer groups in Nwoya and Amuru districts

Latest Updates - Thu, 18/03/2021 - 20:36
Introduction Gulu University as a member of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) won two Community Action Research Program Plus (CARP+) grants in the Pig and Rice value chains in 2018 and 2019 respectively. The CARP+ is an initiative supported by RUFORUM to enable member Universities reach out, engage, and conduct actionable novel research in communities. The CARP+ enables Universities … Read More Convergence of the Action Research Program and producer groups’ business models: the case of two rice producer groups in Nwoya and Amuru districts

[Press Release] Seven (07) RUFORUM Network Universities ranked among top 1000 Universities in QS World University Rankings 2021

Latest Updates - Mon, 15/03/2021 - 07:59
Kampala 12 March 2021 The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) strives to support its member universities to deliver quality education through cutting edge research, innovation and academic mobility to enable them rank higher globally. With the controversies surrounding University rankings, they have remained relevant in demonstrating the value of institutions of Higher Learning According to the recently released QS Universities … Read More [Press Release] Seven (07) RUFORUM Network Universities ranked among top 1000 Universities in QS World University Rankings 2021


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