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[Press release] RUFORUM announces the first sub-committee of Principals and Deans of the 129 Network member Universities

Latest Updates - Tue, 20/10/2020 - 13:19
Kampala 14 October 2020 In line with the decision of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Board and the Annual General meeting decisions of 2019 that established a sub-committee of Principals and Deans, and following guidance of the RUFORUM Board Executive Committee meeting of 23 June 2020, RUFORUM is pleased to announce the constitution of the Principals and Deans Sub-Committee. … Read More [Press release] RUFORUM announces the first sub-committee of Principals and Deans of the 129 Network member Universities

[Press release]RUFORUM announces the 16th Annual General Meeting hosted in Partnership with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

Latest Updates - Wed, 14/10/2020 - 11:56
Kampala 14th October 2020 The 16th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) will be virtually hosted by RUFORUM Secretariat in Partnership with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, in Morocco (UM6P). The various activities of the AGM will be held starting October through to November 2020. It will be the first AGM to be hosted in North … Read More [Press release]RUFORUM announces the 16th Annual General Meeting hosted in Partnership with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

[Press release]The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MoSTI) of the Government of the Republic of Uganda signs an MOU with RUFORUM

Latest Updates - Wed, 07/10/2020 - 17:28
Kampala 7th October 2020 The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MoST&I) of the Government of the Republic of Uganda has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) in Kampala. The objective of the Memorandum of Understanding is to enhance the deployment of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for poverty reduction, rural livelihood … Read More [Press release]The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MoSTI) of the Government of the Republic of Uganda signs an MOU with RUFORUM

Request for Expressions of Interest for Shortlisting of Individual Consultants

Latest Updates - Wed, 07/10/2020 - 16:52
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), acting as administrator of grant funds provided by the Republic of Korea under the KOAFEC Trust Fund, has received financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the Sharing Innovations and Experiences from Korea for Higher Education Transformation in Africa (SIKET). RUFORUM intends to use part of the agreed amount for this … Read More Request for Expressions of Interest for Shortlisting of Individual Consultants

[Press release] RUFORUM announces Mastercard@RUFORUM scholarship recipients for 2020-2021 academic year

Latest Updates - Tue, 06/10/2020 - 14:41
Kampala 06 October, 2020 The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), is pleased to announce the beneficiaries of the fourth cohort of the Mastercard@RUFORUM (MCF@RUFORUM) scholarship recipients for the 2020-2021 academic year. Since July 2016, RUFORUM, in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, Gulu University and Egerton University are implementing an eight year programme;  Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s … Read More [Press release] RUFORUM announces Mastercard@RUFORUM scholarship recipients for 2020-2021 academic year

Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Bharati. K. Patel, who started FORUM which transformed into RUFORUM in 2004

Latest Updates - Fri, 02/10/2020 - 13:01
Dr. Bharati K. Patel since she was a child strived to break boundaries. At that time, she was the first “colored” woman to attend primary and high school, which was privlidged for white males in Rhodesia.Then from there being the first Rotary Fellow from West Africa and the first Rotary-sponsored student at Hawaii University in the late 60s, obtaining a Double Masters plus PhD, … Read More Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Bharati. K. Patel, who started FORUM which transformed into RUFORUM in 2004

From a mud and wattle house to a permanent home. The Mastercard Scholarship has changed my life and that of my family

Latest Updates - Wed, 30/09/2020 - 15:24
Way back in 2017 when all hope was gone, when it felt like it was the end of my academic life, I received what I call the call of redemption and new hope. It was at that time that I believed I still had a chance to make it in life and since then, my life has never been the same again.I take this … Read More From a mud and wattle house to a permanent home. The Mastercard Scholarship has changed my life and that of my family

“Keep them in school”. I am supporting two children in their primary education

Latest Updates - Wed, 30/09/2020 - 13:21
There are three main directions influencing how tasks are accomplished, these are technological trends, social trends and techno-social trends. These three trends are constituting confrontations from environmental to demographic and digitization. In order to breakthrough now and in times to come, young and aspiring entrepreneur need to strengthen their existing interpersonal attributes and grow new ones. Becoming an entrepreneur and a job creator has … Read More “Keep them in school”. I am supporting two children in their primary education

Information System for Improved Pineapple Livelihoods for Smallholder Farmers in Central Region, Ghana

Latest Updates - Wed, 30/09/2020 - 13:00
Low farmer-to-agricultural-extension-agent ratio, inadequate flow of information, weak linkages among value chain actors and other challenges have contributed to low productivity in the agricultural sector. The pineapple value chain like other commodity value chains in Ghana is faced with challenges, with smallholders being the most vulnerable.   Zikiru Shaibu is using modern technology to develop a farmer information system for smallholder farmers.  He is … Read More Information System for Improved Pineapple Livelihoods for Smallholder Farmers in Central Region, Ghana

My home project, The vegetable enterprise

Latest Updates - Wed, 30/09/2020 - 10:30
My name is Stephen Ongaria studying for BSc. Education Agriculture at Gulu University. I started a vegetable enterprise project with an aim to transform the community through sustainable commercial vegetable enterprise growing mainly Sukumawiki, Onions and Tomatoes in Usuk sub-county, Katakwi District, Eastern Uganda. The business has good market throughout the year and can provide self-employment to the youth and women in my community … Read More My home project, The vegetable enterprise

The tough but promising journey

Latest Updates - Tue, 29/09/2020 - 08:20
Andrew Waaswa is from Kibuku District, Eastern Uganda pursuing MSc. Agricultural Extension at Egerton University. His research is focused Climate-Smart Agriculture practices among smallholder potato farmers in Gilgil Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Andrew comes from humble family background. His education was interrupted by the death of his father in 1995, leaving him with his peasant mother. During his childhood, Andrew served as a … Read More The tough but promising journey

The unexploited nutrient benefits of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum) oil seed crop for smallholder farmers in rural areas of Zimbabwe

Latest Updates - Mon, 28/09/2020 - 11:06
Having grown up in some rural parts of Zimbabwe being exposed to peasantry farming since childhood, some of the main crops grown were cereals maize mainly for household food provision and cotton which was a cash crop. The introduction of marginalized crops came as a result of a fall in the cotton price on the market which was mainly a result of a fall … Read More The unexploited nutrient benefits of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum) oil seed crop for smallholder farmers in rural areas of Zimbabwe

Education is a change catalyst

Latest Updates - Fri, 18/09/2020 - 12:16
Aipa Grace Bekah is a second year TAGDev student at Egerton University pursuing Bachelors of degree in Agricultural Education and Extension. The second born in a family of three hails from Turkana County, Northern Kenya; a pastoral community. She believes in education as the only equalizer. She was brought up by her grandmother alongside other thirteen grandchildren. School uniform, books, shoes were a luxury … Read More Education is a change catalyst

Eleven (11) RUFORUM Network Member Universities ranked among top Universities in Africa by The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021

Latest Updates - Fri, 11/09/2020 - 19:04
Kampala 11 September 2020 The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, published once a year, assesses institutions worldwide across 13 performance indicators in five areas: teaching (30%), research (30%), citations (30%), international outlook (7.5%) and industry income (2.5%). This year more than 1 500 institutions were ranked in the 2021 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, across 93 countries and regions with a … Read More Eleven (11) RUFORUM Network Member Universities ranked among top Universities in Africa by The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021

Appel à contributions pour une Edition Spéciale de la Série des Documents de Travail de RUFORUM, Vol 19, 2021

Latest Updates - Wed, 09/09/2020 - 10:11
Dans le cadre de la conférence triennale de RUFORUM qui se tiendra du 6 au 10 décembre 2021 à Cotonou, au Bénin, RUFORUM invite les scientifiques, les spécialistes du développement et autres acteurs, en particulier de la République du Bénin, à soumettre des articles relayant leurs activités de recherche et développement. L’objectif est de promouvoir la visibilité des résultats de recherche et le partage … Read More Appel à contributions pour une Edition Spéciale de la Série des Documents de Travail de RUFORUM, Vol 19, 2021

Call for papers for a special Issue of RUFORUM Working Document Series, Vol 19, 2021

Latest Updates - Tue, 08/09/2020 - 17:58
In commemoration of the RUFORUM Triennial Conference to be held 6-10 December 2021 in Cotonou, Benin, RUFORUM invites scientists, development practitioners and other actors, especially from the Republic of Benin, to submit papers profiling their research and development activities. The aim is to promote visibility of research outputs and sharing development-oriented information especially from Africa. The RUFORUM Working Document Series is an online open-access … Read More Call for papers for a special Issue of RUFORUM Working Document Series, Vol 19, 2021

Request for Expressions of Interest for a Firm to Develop a Conference Mobile Apps for RUFORUM Triennial in Benin, December 2021

Latest Updates - Sat, 05/09/2020 - 17:49
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), located at Main Campus, Makerere University, Kampala – Uganda is a continental network of 126 Universities in 38 African countries, with a vision of Vibrant, transformative Universities catalysing sustainable, inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa. After every three (3) years RUFORUM hold its Triennial conference in a Pre –nominated country … Read More Request for Expressions of Interest for a Firm to Develop a Conference Mobile Apps for RUFORUM Triennial in Benin, December 2021

Call for papers for 2021 Triennial Conference Scientific Sessions

Latest Updates - Mon, 17/08/2020 - 14:29
Background The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is a network of 128 universities in 38 African countries. It was established in 2004 to (i) foster integration of African universities into the national agricultural innovation systems (NAIS); (ii) provide a platform for training quality graduates to support development processes in Africa; (iii) rationalize resource use and enhance economies of scale and … Read More Call for papers for 2021 Triennial Conference Scientific Sessions

RUFORUM awards 10 Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Latest Updates - Mon, 03/08/2020 - 13:06
 Kampala 03, August 2020 The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a consortium of 128 Universities in 38 African Countries, is pleased to announce the recipients of the two year Post-doctoral Fellowships funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The 10 Fellowships targeted former beneficiaries of regional doctoral training programmes funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York through RUFORUM. … Read More RUFORUM awards 10 Post-Doctoral Fellowships

RUFORUM awards 42 Doctoral Research Grants

Latest Updates - Sat, 01/08/2020 - 11:30
Kampala 31, July 2020 The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a consortium of 128 Universities in 38 African Countries, is pleased to announce the recipients of the two year Doctoral Research Grants funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The grants targeted registered PhD candidates in one of the RUFORUM Network universities as Graduate Teaching Assistants. The call for … Read More RUFORUM awards 42 Doctoral Research Grants


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