University of Bamenda
The University of Bamenda (UBa) is a distinctive anglo-saxon university with future international reputation for higher standards of achievements and innovations in all areas of professionalism, arts, sciences and technology. As a graduate or postgraduate student in UBa, you will study in modern surroundings that boast exceptionally well-equipped studios, workshops and facilities. Read more

Universite de Dschang
The University of Dschang is a public scientific and cultural institution, whose mission is to; develop and transmit knowledge; develop research and human training; bring higher forms of culture and research to the highest level and at the best rate of progress; provide access to higher education to all those who have the vocation and the ability to do so. Read more

Université de Ngaoundéré
The University of Ngaoundéré (UN) was created by presidential decree No 93/028 of January 19, 1993. It resulted from the transformation of the University Center of Ngaoundéré into a University. The university initially endowed with two Grandes Écoles and four faculties, this institution welcomes students from all regions of Cameroon and countries of the sub-region.Read more

University of Maroua
University of Maroua is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the small city of Maroua, Far North Region. The Univrsity is officially recognized by the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, Cameroun (Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon). Université de Maroua offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study. Read more

University of Buea
University of Buea is located in the historic town of Buea on the eastern flank of Mount Cameroon, is the only English-speaking institution of its kind in predominantly French-speaking Central Africa. It can easily be reached by an all-season, asphalted highway from the port city of Limbe, and some 30 km to the West, or from the Douala International airport that lies 70 km to the East. Read more