Keynote Speaker


Dr. Robert Zougmore, AICCRA West Africa Cluster Lead

AICCRA West Africa Cluster Lead


Dr Robert Zougmoré works as Principal Scientist with the Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT where he leads the West and Central Africa Climate Action and the West Africa cluster of AICCRA (Accelerating-Impacts-of-CGIAR-Climate-Research-for-Africa). From 2010 to 2021, he was the Africa Program leader of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change-Agriculture-and-Food-Security (CCAFS), at ICRISAT Bamako, Mali. Agronomist and soil scientist with a PhD in Production Ecology & Resources Conservation - Wageningen University, he is Director of Research (equivalent to University Professor) under CAMES cadre. His areas of expertise include Agronomy and soil science, Land degradation and development, Climate change adaptation & mitigation, Integrated Water and Nutrient Management, Agroecology, Conservation Agriculture, Climate-smart policies, and institutions. Robert has published widely with more than 80 papers and book chapters on soil erosion, integrated soil, water and nutrient management options and their economic benefits, and climate-smart agriculture. Google Scholar

2023-11-01 08:30:00

Accelerating and scaling-up Africa’s climate change adaptation and mitigation actions:

Venue: Palais des Congres Room: The Tripartite Room

To Participate in the RUFORUM Annual General Meeting