Keynote Speaker


Prof. Emmanuel Kaunda, Vice Chancellor, LUANAR

Vice Chancellor, LUANAR


Professor Emmanuel Kaunda is currently the Director of the World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence (ACE) in Aquaculture Fisheries (AQuaFISH) at LUANAR. His research is on both aquaculture and fisheries. He has, and is still supervising, more than 25 MSc and PhD students in Aquaculture and Fisheries and has more than 60 publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings. At LUANAR, Professor Kaunda was the first Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University, Vice Principal of the then Bunda College, and Head of Aquaculture and Fisheries.​

Within the region, he has contributed immensely to the development of the Pan African Fisheries Reform Strategy (PAFRS) having coordinated the Aquaculture Working Group of the New Partnerships for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Pan African Fisheries project (PAF) which generated knowledge for the PAFRS.​ He has received two notable awards in recognition of his contribution to Aquaculture development and Science in general. In 2013, he received the Impact Research and Science in Africa (IMPRESSA) Award; and was the 2011 Aquaculturist of the Year by the Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa (AASA).​

He is also Technical Coordinator of the NEPAD SANBio Regional Fish Node and Coordinator of Afri-Fishnet, a network of African Fisheries Experts in Africa. He is also the President of the Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association (PAFFA) and  a Robin L. Welcomme Fellow at Michigan State University in USA. Professor Kaunda obtained his PhD in Fisheries Science from Rhodes University in 2001.

2023-10-31 11:00:00

Africa’s Blue Economy: Sustainable marine and fresh water exploitation

To Participate in the RUFORUM Annual General Meeting