
The available hotels for the participants  during the Triennial Conference

Hotel Name : Hilton Hotel                                                  Hotel Name : Aloe Guest House                                         Hotel Name :Arresbush Hotel
Email:                            Email:                                                  Email:
Phone: +264 61 296 2929                                                  Phone:  +264 67 313291                                                      Phone: +264 61 252 255
Book Now:  Click here                                                        Book Now:  Click here                                                          Book Now: Click here

Hotel Name: AVANI                                                              Hotel Name: Protea Hotel                                                   Hotel Name: NUST Hotel School
Email:                                   Email :                          Email:
Phone:  +264 61 280 0000                                                   Phone: +264 61237380                                                        Phone: +(264) 61 207 2233
Book Now:  Click here                                                          Book Now:  Click here                                                          Book Now: Click here

Hotel Name: Town Logde                                                  Hotel Name: Mercure Hotel                                                Hotel Name: Casa Blanca
Email:                 Email :               Email:
Phone: +264 833 563 431                                                  Phone: +264 61 296 8000                                                   Phone:+264 61 249623
Book Now: Click here                                                         Book Now: Click here                                                          Book Now: Click here