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[Press Release] Universities in the RUFORUM Network showcase their work to Honorable Monica Masanza Musenero, Uganda Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Secretariat hosted the Honorable Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Uganda on Friday 8th July 2022. The visit was for the Minister to have a glimpse of RUFORUM work in action. The visit provided an opportunity for Hon Musenero to familiarize... Continue Reading →
RUFORUM Congratulates the Muslim Community on the blessed Eid Al-Adha
On Eid Al-Adha, wishing that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers are answered by the Almighty. Have a blessed Eid Al-Adha! May this Eid brings peace, prosperity, and happiness to you, your family and Muslim community! Download the Card here
[Issue 107] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa
What Have We Learned About Online Learning? (Global)The COVID-19 pandemic forced colleges, professors and students to engage with digital forms of education in ways many of them never had. Did the experience of teaching and learning remotely make them more open to online education and to using technology in the physical classroom? Did professors get... Continue Reading →
AgriEngage Summer School on Agri-Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco is hosting a 15 days AgriEngage Summer School from the 4th to the 17th of July 2022. With funding from the European Commission Erasmus+ programme, through the project “Strengthening Agri-Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Training in East, West and North Africa (AgriENGAGE)”, the Summer School will offer practical skills and competencies... Continue Reading →
[Thought Piece] Stellenbosch University – an Overview
Introduction Known colloquially as ‘Maties’, Stellenbosch University (SU) aspires to be Africa’s leading research- intensive university, globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and innovative, and advancing knowledge in service of society. SU is a public research institution situated in the Western Cape province of South Africa and counts as one of the top higher education institutions... Continue Reading →
CoSTClim – NORPART Call for Applications for PhD Student Mobility to Norway, 2022
Introduction Makerere University in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to... Continue Reading →
[Issue 106] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa
University World News Transdisciplinary collaboration critical for future of science (Africa-Global)Calls for investment in transdisciplinary research in Africa in order to achieve progress in science and innovation as tools to tackle challenges impeding social and economic transformation of the continent have dominated proceedings at the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress (SRI2022). The hybrid congress, taking... Continue Reading →
Deadline Extension – 15th July 2022
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), on behalf of the Research and Innovation Network for Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action in Africa [RESEN-RAICAIA], in partnership with West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL: and AKADEMIYA2063 (, would like to inform you that the... Continue Reading →
A Tragic Loss in Africa’s Higher Education Sector
Kampala June 28th 2022 – The RUFORUM Network on a sad note has lost one of her greatest female Vice Chancellors, Prof Christine Dranzoa, Vice Chancellor for Muni University and a fervent advocate of the girl child education. The late professor, rose from a humble background in a small village of Adua, in Moyo district... Continue Reading →
Mozambique: World Bank disburses US$30 million for agri-food research
The World Bank yesterday announced US$30 million in funding to create a centre of excellence in agri-food systems and innovation for postgraduate students in Mozambique. A World Bank statement says that the centre would help build high-quality technical capacity and research in the agri-food domain. “By strengthening research and training in agri-food systems and expanding... Continue Reading →
[SCIFSA] Scholarship Advert for Short Term Academic Mobility
SCIFSA is a partnership of five African Universities in Eastern, Western and North Africa lead by Makerere University in Uganda. The members of this partnership are Makerere University (Uganda), University of Ghana, Legon (Ghana), University of Eldoret (Kenya), University of Cairo (Egypt) and Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal). The partnership also has Politechnika... Continue Reading →
RUFORUM Team Visits Kabale University
(“Ensi eri aha nziiga, neyetorora. Mwiije tugyende naayo etatutsiga” literary translated as, the world is on wheels, Come-all-yee lets go catch it before it leaves us.) That is a song that was usually sung in Elementary School and the words by then didn’t seem to make much sense as they do now! These are the... Continue Reading →
The economies of many African countries are still driven by the agricultural sector amidst its underperformance. Current efforts to modernize the sector are geared towards ensuring that agricultural value chains are competitive in the developing global markets while effectively supporting the budding agro-industry. Successful agroindustrialization starts with enhancement of productivity, where labour, time and land... Continue Reading →
[Thought Piece] Developing a Development Oriented University: Perspective from Chinhoyi University of Technology
Historical BackgroundStarting off as a degree awarding institution in 1999 under the University of Zimbabwe, offering the Bachelor of Technology Degree in Production Engineering and the Bachelor of Technology Degree in Hospitality and Tourism, Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT), was established by an Act by the Parliament of Zimbabwe on 10 December 2001. The institution is... Continue Reading →
[Issue 105] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa
University World News Science is the basis for moving ahead on global challenges (Global)The International Science Council (ISC) is the world’s primary non-governmental organisation for the sciences, bringing together the natural and social science organisations, including both national academies and disciplinary bodies, with a singular focus. The council’s role is to be the voice at... Continue Reading →
[RUFORUM Postdoc Fellowship] My Personal Experience as Post-Doc Fellow at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Malawi
“If you knew what you were doing it wouldn’t be called research; – Albert Einstein” After completing my PhD at LUANAR in November 2019, I had a strong dream to make a worthwhile contribution to my country by training a highly motivated team of students and engage in a lot of research activities that provide... Continue Reading →
[RUFORUM Postdoc Fellowship] Experience at University of Rwanda: Dr Emmanuel Masabo
During my PhD studies at Makerere University, I obtained research funding support from Carnegie Corporation through RUFORUM. It helped me to undertake the research activities and finish on time. I exactly graduated in January 2020. After graduation, I returned to University of Rwanda (UR). At UR, in addition to teaching, I also had to supervise... Continue Reading →
Promoting Agripreneurship, Community Engagement and Social Responsibility among Farmers in the Vegetable Value Chain
4-PILLAR GIVE BACK is a project tailored towards improving the state of agripreneurship, incorporating community engagements and promoting social responsibility in the vegetable value chain in Nakuru villages. This project was started by four masters’ students from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda supported by MasterCard@RUFORUM through TAGDev program at Egerton University. The ideology and conceptualization of... Continue Reading →
[Issue 104] Media Monitoring: Extract of Press News on Higher Education in Africa
Times Higher EducationFalling African share of tertiary education aid ‘a great concern’ (Africa) A fall in the share of higher education aid directed to Africa over the past 20 years is a “great concern” that urgently needs addressing in the light of the continent’s exploding youth population, it has been warned. The comments follow a... Continue Reading →
[RUFORUM Postdoc Fellowship] Dr. Agaba Rolland’s Experience
Earning a fellowship does not come easy but through hard work and in-depth conceptualization and critical thinking. Following release the call for postdoctoral fellowship proposals by RUFORUM with Support from Carnegie Corporation of New York in April 2022. The call was seeking proposals from recent doctorate holders to improve their teaching, research, leadership and mentoring... Continue Reading →