Outcomes and Performance of Rwanda Agricultural Board Employees Trained by RUFORUM

This paper describes outcomes of a capacity development effort undertaken by the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), in collaboration with the Rwanda Government, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) to rebuild research capacity for Rwanda. Based on indentified priority needs by the Rwanda Government, RUFORUM with funding from SCARDA (Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research for Development in Africa), supported the training of initially 11 MSc students in target areas to help jumpstart the research system. Additional 6 MSc students were trained as part of capacity development for the National University of Rwanda. The 17 Students trained at different universities identified by RUFORUM and have since returned to Rwanda and are championing development processes.
Cet article décrit les résultats d’un effort de renforcement des capacités menées par le Forum régional des universités pour le renforcement des capacités en agriculture (RUFORUM), en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Rwanda, le Forum pour la recherche agricole en Afrique (FARA) et l’Association pour le renforcement de la recherche agricole en Afrique orientale et centrale (ASARECA), pour reconstruire la capacité de recherche du Rwanda. Sur la base des besoins prioritaires identifiés par le gouvernement du Rwanda, le RUFORUM, avec un financement de SCARDA (Renforcement des capacités pour la recherche agricole et le développement en Afrique), a financé la formation de 11 étudiants à la maîtrise, initialement dans les zones ciblées, pour aider à relancer le système de recherche. Un Supplément de 6 étudiants à la maîtrise a été formé dans le cadre du renforcement des capacités de l’Université Nationale du Rwanda. Les 17 étudiants formés dans des différentes universités identifiées par le RUFORUM sont rentrés au Rwanda et se font les champions des processus de développement.
Extended abstracts submitted under Strengthening Science & Technology
Date of publication: 
Region Focus: 
East Africa
RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops
Licence conditions: 
Open Access
Access restriction: 
Printed resource

The 2012 RUFORUM Biennial Conference is the third in the series. The main objective of the Biennial conferences is to provide a platform for agricultural research for development stakeholders in Africa and beyond to actively exchange findings and experiences, while at the same time learning lessons towards improving performance of the agricultural sector and ultimately people’s livelihoods. The biennial conference is RUFORUM’s most comprehensive meeting for the diversity of stakeholers in agriculture. It is especially dedicated to graduate students and their supervisors, grantees in RUFORUM member universities and alumni. It is a platform for peer review, quality control, mentorship, networking and shared learning. The third Biennial Conference was attended by 657 participants.This record contains an extended abstract accepted under the theme of Strengthening Science & Technology