Nutraceutical and antimicrobial properties of baobab pulp and leaves: A review Author/Editor(s): Gbaguidi, M. A.Chadare, F.J.Idohou, V.Fassinou, T. K.Assogbadjo, A.E.Date of publication: 2018RUFORUM Working document series Read more about Nutraceutical and antimicrobial properties of baobab pulp and leaves: A review
Inhomogeneous Poisson point process for species distribution modelling: relative performance of methods accounting for sampling bias and imperfect detection Author/Editor(s): Mugumaarhahama, Y.Fandohan, A. B.Mushagalusa, A. C.Sode, I. A.Glèlè Kakaï, R.Date of publication: 2022Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Inhomogeneous Poisson point process for species distribution modelling: relative performance of methods accounting for sampling bias and imperfect detection
Impacts of harvesting intensity on tree taxonomic diversity, structural diversity, population structure, and stability in a West African mangrove forest Author/Editor(s): Zanvo, M. S.Salako, V.K.Gnanglè, C.Mensah, SylvanusAssogbadjo, A.E.Glèlè Kakaï, R.Date of publication: 2021Other Papers, Posters and Presentations Read more about Impacts of harvesting intensity on tree taxonomic diversity, structural diversity, population structure, and stability in a West African mangrove forest