Land use change effect on carbon stocks in western Uganda Author/Editor(s): Makuma-Massa, H.Ochanda, D.Nandozi, C.Mfutumikiza, D.Majaliwa, J.G.M.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Land use change effect on carbon stocks in western Uganda
The dissonance between concept and practice: The WATERCAP project as an example of a partial paradigm shift towards system innovation Author/Editor(s): Lorenz , Probst.Faltmann, N.Haller, L.Wurzinger, M.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about The dissonance between concept and practice: The WATERCAP project as an example of a partial paradigm shift towards system innovation
Constraints and opportunities for sustainable partnership between Universities, small-holder farming communities and development agencies: The case of the WATERCAP Project in Uganda Author/Editor(s): Birungi Kyazze, F.Kibwika, P.Kiggundu, N.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Constraints and opportunities for sustainable partnership between Universities, small-holder farming communities and development agencies: The case of the WATERCAP Project in Uganda