Effects of chicken and cattle manure on wheat production and soil properties in the high terrace and Karu soils in River Nile State in the Sudan Author/Editor(s): Yousif, Ali Alkhazin AliAli, Hassan KhalidDate of publication: 2010RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Effects of chicken and cattle manure on wheat production and soil properties in the high terrace and Karu soils in River Nile State in the Sudan
Nutritive value of selected indigenous legumes for livestock feed in Namibia Author/Editor(s): Hembapu, N.Thamina, D. N.Mpofu, I.Kahumba, A.Lutaaya, E.Date of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about Nutritive value of selected indigenous legumes for livestock feed in Namibia
In-season nitrogen prediction for the quality protein maize using the pocket hand-held NDVI sensor on farmers’ field around Ilu-Gelan and Bako-Tibe, Ethiopia Author/Editor(s): Abera, ToleraSemu, ErnestDebele, TolessaKim, HaekooWegary, DagneDate of publication: 2014RUFORUM Conferences and Workshops Read more about In-season nitrogen prediction for the quality protein maize using the pocket hand-held NDVI sensor on farmers’ field around Ilu-Gelan and Bako-Tibe, Ethiopia