22 – 26 October 2018


RUFORUM invites interested institutions in the field of agriculture higher education, science & technology in Africa -including universities, development partners, private sector, civil society and policy actors to exhibit at its 6th Biennial Conference  (   to be held at the Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi, Kenya from 22nd to 26th October 2018.

The theme of the 6th RUFORUM Biennial Exhibition is adopted from the overall conference theme: Aligning African Universities to accelerate attainment of Africa’s Agenda 2063”.  In line with this theme, stakeholders will have the opportunity to showcase their innovations, products and services that are being piloted or have already made positive change in institutions as well as in the lives of farming communities they are serving.  

To facilitate vibrant interaction between the exhibitors and the on and off site conference delegates, the conference organizers will integrate social media reporting within the exhibition to enhance visibility and sharing of key messages beyond the on-site conference.  The exhibition will run throughout the conference and special time will be allocated in the conference programme for delegates to visit the stands.  Additional conference activities will be carried out in the exhibition area to attract the delegates to the exhibition. A catalogue containing profiles of all the exhibitors will also be published and shared with delegates.

Each exhibitor will be provided with an exhibition booth measuring 3 by 3 metres, 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 power outlet, and a banner with the organization’s name. Arrangements and costs for any extra requirements will be the responsibility of the respective exhibitors.

The cost of each booth is US$ 750 (KSH 75,000). RUFORUM member universities will pay a discounted fee of US$ 700 (KSH 70,000). In addition, each exhibitor will pay registration fees which are mandatory for every conference participant as detailed below:


For conference sponsors, exhibition costs will be covered according to their respective sponsorship packages. Other costs pertaining to travel, accommodation and out of pocket allowances should be covered by the institution represented. Note that these fees are fixed in United States dollars. The Kenya Shilling or other foreign currency equivalent may differ at the time of payment.

To confirm participation and reserve an exhibition booth, please complete the exhibition profile form and return by email to with copy to by       15 September 2018. 

Exhibition spaces are limited so allocation will on a first come first served basis.



Biennial 2018 Count Down

Next Triennial 2021

The 7th African Higher Education Week
22nd - 26th November, 2021
Benin,  Porto-Novo

Website visitors

  • Total Visitors: 4527
  • Unique Visitors: 12


For general information about the RUFORUM Biennial Conference 2018, please contact us at :