Postgraduant Student profiles

Yegon Cheruiyot Wilbon

Yegon Cheruiyot Wilbon was born in 1991 in Ambusket village, Kuresoi South sub-county, Nakuru County, Kenya. He completed his primary education in 2003 and scored 415 marks, which earned him an entry into police sponsored prestigious school, Utumishi Academy. Thanks to the National police, service and free secondary education from 2007, which enabled him, complete his studies successfully in 2009. Despite few difficulties, he scored a B+ (70 Points). In 2011, he joined Laikipia University to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural economics. He graduated in 2015 with a second class honours (upper division).

Stephen Odero

Stephen Odero is a Dairy Scientist with a Bachelor’s degree in Dairy Technology and Management from Egerton University, Kenya. Starting off his carrier in the dairy industry, he worked as a cooling plant manager at Mau Narok Farmers’ Cooperative Society, focussing on milk quality control and sales of raw milk. He then worked as a dairy products quality consultant before enrolling for his master’s. As an undergraduate, his project focussed on the effects of exposing yoghurt culture (Streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.

Peter K. Biama

Peter K. Biama is a student at Egerton University at the Department of Dairy and Food science. He is Kenyan citizen and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology and a Diploma in Dairy Technology all from Egerton University (Njoro, Kenya). Peter is vibrant, goal oriented, hard-working with minimum supervision and holds excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. He is also dependable and reliable in supporting and enabling team effort to achieve the desired results.  Peter Biama’s mission is to choose an ethical way of life by being committed to honesty and integrity. 

Omondi Jackline Atieno

Jackline Atieno is a master’s student at Egerton University in Kenya, in the Faculty of Environment and Resource Development. She is currently pursuing a degree in Natural Resource Management with a focus on forest pathology. She gained interest in the field of nature conservation in pursuit of sustaining the services provided by the ecosystem in supporting life and development. Some of the activities she has been taking part in include restoration of sections of Cherengany hills and Mau forests, which happens to be two among other five main water towers in Kenya.

Catherine Wanjiru Ndung’u

Catherine Wanjiru Ndung’u was born in August 1989 and grew up in Njoro Nakuru County, Kenya. She attended Natu Primary School and was the best student in the school in the class eight final exams. From 2004 to 2007, she joined Njoro Day Secondary School where in her form four final exams, she was among the students who were awarded as the best performers. She joined University of Eldoret from 2009 to 2013 for a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science and Management where she got a first class honors. She was the secretary of the Animal Science Students club.


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