AU - EU high level policy dialogue on higher agricultural education

Date: 14th August 2024 Time: 14:00-18:17:50 CAT
Venue: Mercure Hotel, Windhoek, Namibia

Registration Link:

Contacts: Dr. Stephen Onakuse ( and Prof. Patrick Okori (

Session 1: Dialogue Opening :Call for Action to Strengthen Africa’s Human & Science Capacity




Session Chair: Dr Alfred Van Kent, Executive Director, Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, Namibia

14:00- 14:10

Arrival and registration of participants



Welcome address by University of Namibia

Prof. Kenneth K. Matengu, Vice Chancellor


Welcome remarks from RUFORUM

RUFORUM Board Chair/Executive Secretary


Welcome Remarks from AGRINATURA

Dr. Stephen Onakuse, President, AGRINATURA


EU-Africa partnerships: what have we learnt

Mr. Mukulia Kennedy Ayason, African Union Commission


AU-EU Africa partnerships for agriculture and development 

H.E. Ana Beatriz Martins, EU Ambassador to Namibia


Official Opening Address

Hon. Carl Schlettwein, MP, Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform

Session 2: Policy frameworks and agendas for strengthening Africa’s Research and Science capacity




Session Moderator:  Prof. Ioannis Dimitriou, Vice President Agrinatura EEIG, and Senior Research Advisor at SLU Global


Lead Paper 1: Imperatives for strengthening Africa- European Union higher education and research agendas: Lessons learnt and new opportunities.


Prof. Ylva Hillbur, Pro Vice-Chancellor, international relations, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.

Panel Discussion: Making the partnership work for African and European Universities

Panellist I: Prof. Peter Mageto, Vice Chancellor of Africa University

Panellist II: Prof. Georgewill Owunari, University of Port Harcourt

Panellist III: Jelle Maas, Wageningen University

Panellist IV: Prof. Rachid Serraj Director of Strategy & Africa Initiative at UM6P

Panellist V: Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, Vice Chancellor, Makerere University.

Question and answer session

Prof. Ioannis Dimitriou

Session 3: Convergence and way-forward planning for strengthening Africa-European strategic partnerships for higher agricultural education, research for development and policy




Session Moderator:
Dr. Petronella Chaminuka, ARC, Acting Group Executive for Impact and Partnerships, ARC, South Africa.

16:30 - 17:20

Lead Paper 2: The AU-EU International Research Consortium on Research and Innovation on Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture as a coordination mechanism for a coherent AU-EU partnership


Dr. Aggrey Agumya, Executive Director, FARA

Panel Discussion: Experiences from Africa and Europe for making the IRC relevant and effective


Panellist II: Dr. Patrice Grimaud

Director for East Africa, CIRAD

Panellist III: National Research Foundation, South Africa

Panellist IV: National Council for Research, Science and Technology, Namibia.

Question and answer session

Dr. Petronella Chaminuka

17:20 – 17:40

Strengthening regional coordination of the partnership in Africa

Panellist I: Dr. Enock Warinda, Executive Director, ASARECA

Panellist II: Dr. Alioune Fall, Executive Director, CORAF

Panellist III: Executive Director and Head of Mission, CCARDESA

Dr. Petronella Chaminuka

17:40-17:50 PM

Wrap up session

Dr. Petronella Chaminuka and Prof. Ioannis Dimitriou


Health Break


To Participate in the 2nd RUFORUM Triennial Conference