Keynote Speaker


Dr Stephen Onakuse

President of Agrinatura


Dr Stephen Onakuse is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Food Business & Development, Cork University Business School (CUBS), University College Cork and the President of the European Alliance on Agriculture knowledge for Development (AGRINATURA). Stephen is an agriculturist and much of his research investigate agricultural systems, value chain analysis for development and sustainable production practices. Member FAO/TAP Steering Committee, and member Task Force Team on National Pathways for Food Systems Transformation in Nigeria. Dr Onakuse is the Principal Investigator on an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project focussing on sustainable production and consumption and the UCC PI on a European Union DeSIRA funded project on Climate Smart Agriculture Research and Innovation Support for Dairy Value Chains in Eritrea.

2024-08-14 14:00:00

AU - EU high level policy dialogue on higher agricultural education

Lead Speaker

To Participate in the 2nd RUFORUM Triennial Conference